PreCare Trial & Recruitment wins the European Site Patient Recruitment Innovation Award (SPRIA EU) with a Link2Trials patient informed consent video

At the 2018 Site Solutions Summit PreCare Trial & Recruitment was awarded the SPRIA EU for their innovative recruitment in a IBS trial, which included an Informed Consent Form (ICF) video developed by Link2Trials. The video informed potential participants thoroughly about the trial and saved time on information visits and pre-screening.

“Participation in SPRIA EU is an opportunity for sites to spotlight their innovation from the main stage,” said Christine Pierre, SCRS president. “We thank all who submitted proposals for consideration and are excited to see that so many sites are achieving excellence in recruitment. Congratulations to PreCare Trial & Recruitment on their innovative approach to improving informed consent!”

“We are proud that our out of the box approach resulted in winning the award” – Vivienne van de Walle – director of PT&R- replied after winning the award. “ Especially as we are a small independent site and the other two nominees were larger multinational networks. It show that being small and having limited resources doesn’t mean you cannot be innovative”

Link2Trials and PreCare Trial & Recruitment believe the traditional lengthy paper ICF does not convey study information in a patient friendly manner. The multimedia information significantly enhances the patient’s understanding of procedures, risks and benefits of a clinical trial. This did not only result in a more efficient process flow at the PreCare Trial & Recruitment study site but it also resulted improved patient experience and increased patient’s understanding of the trial and willingness to participate in a study.

“It was a very constructive collaboration between the teams of L2T and PT&R. We hope the ICF movie will be implemented more often in clinical trials as all parties involved benefit from it. We are ready for it and are looking forward to share our knowledge and experience with the industry. And we hope that we can bring more awareness about the value of clinical trials to patients.”


How we create an ICF video:

  • The patient information leaflet/ICF is adapted into a script and story board accompanied by appropriate imagery.
  • The script and storyboard are submitted to the IRB/CEC for approval. If needed the storyboard can be adapted if requested by the IRB/EC
  • After IRB/EC approval the video is created
  • As we work with a voiceover to the images, the video is easily adapted for multi-language purposes.
  • Standard items can be developed that can be implemented into new movies over and over again.

Link2Trials uses clear wording, infographics and actual footage of study procedures to facilitate the understanding of the study. The better patients are informed the easier it is for patients to make the decision to participate in a study.

About SPRIA: Coming to the EU Site Solutions Summit for the first time this year, SPRIA EU recognizes a research site that has developed and implemented an innovative patient recruitment program. This year, three finalists were chosen by an independent judging panel: MeDiNova Clinical Research (UK), PreCare Trial & Recruitment (The Netherlands), and Synexus Polska, Poznań DRS (Poland). After the finalists presented their plans at the European Site Solutions Summit, the winner was chosen by a panel of judges. In assessing the plans, the judges looked for innovative patient-directed initiatives that were unique, effective and take into account the campaign response.

About SCRS: Founded in 2012, SCRS is a global trade organization that unifies the voice of the clinical research site community to create greater site sustainability. Representing over 9,000 sites in 47 countries, SCRS membership provides sites with a community dedicated to advocacy, education, connectivity and mentorship. SCRS is an influential voice for sites and an active partner in industry-wide initiatives and dialogues focused on improving the clinical research enterprise. Our Voice. Our Community. Your Success. Join the community. Visit